Helping to Resolve Family and Relationship Disputes in Oldham, Salford and Manchester
When a family or relationship breaks down, many people do not know where to turn for help or guidance. There can be many issues to sort out, such as children, property, and other financial matters, none of which are easy, and all can cause further upset and confusion if not handled properly. At Cuttle & Co Solicitors, in Oldham, Salford and Manchester, we understand that you will want to get things sorted out as quickly and as painlessly as possible. Our expert family law solicitors are here to do just that.
Covering All Bases
The first job of our solicitors is to listen to you, take stock of what has happened, and discuss what your options are. Some breakdowns are amicable, and it can just be a matter of making sure that all issues are taken care of. Sadly, there are many family or relationship breakdowns that are not as simple to deal with, and it is here that an expert family solicitor can bear some of the burden and advise you in the best possible way.
When there are children involved, your first thoughts and concerns will revolve around them. You will want to make sure that any potential pressure and upset for them is reduced as much as possible, and that their future is secure. You will also no doubt have questions and concerns about contact and other matters surrounding the children. We will help you with this from the start, taking the necessary steps following your first meeting with us.
Most people in a marriage or relationship have jointly accrued property or other financial interests that will need to be considered following the breakdown. These aspects of any case are inherently complicated, and the advice and help of an expert family solicitor can make a dramatic difference.
In summary, our speciality areas of family law are:
- Children
- Civil Partnerships
- Cohabitation Agreements
- Divorce
- Mediation
- Childcare/Social Services